Initially I wrote this post around article in the Austin Business Journal about WP Engine, Inc., (who btw I use as my hosting provider) and how they were faced with an unexpected power outage earlier this year that lasted two days. What was most impressive was the disaster playbook they already had in place for times like these. They were prepared and were able to keep the continuity in place for their some 60,000 customers across 130 countries without skipping a beat.

This article got me thinking about crisis communications, and how many startups and small businesses don’t think about, or simply don’t understand, a PR crisis contingency plan and why it’s needed in place well in advance before it’s too late.

Every company must be prepared for any and all scenarios that may cause a disruption to their business or damage brand credibility: Flooding, fires, server outages, viral customer complaints across social networks, disgruntled employees. Ensuring you are well-prepared allows for quick decision-making that can not only save your company’s reputation, but reduce downtime, minimize financial losses, and more importantly emphasize due diligence to customers, prospects, shareholders, and other industry influencers such as bloggers, industry analysts, and media.

Are you prepared?


crisis-communications - startups - small business